13 Steps Guide For Running Google Ads Successfully 

Sidra Shah 
19 min read

Launching a successful Google Ads campaign can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. This guide breaks down the process into 13 actionable steps to get your ads up and running quickly. By following these clear instructions, you’ll be well on your way to reaching new customers and achieving your advertising goals.

What you will learn:

Step 1- Initiating The Process

Step 2 – Setting Campaign Goals

Step 3 – Focus of Campaign

Step 4 – Scheduling Ad Campaign

Step 5 – Further Configurations

Step 6 – Deciding The Budget

Step 7 – Bidding Options

Step 8 – Keyword Research

Step 9 – Setting Up Details

Step 10- Using Ad Extensions

Step 11 – Bid Adjustments & Device Targeting

Step 12 – Attractive Landing Page

Step 13- Set Your Campaign To Live

Wrap Up!

Let’s begin!

Step 1- Initiating The Process

First, head to ads.google.com and click the big blue button that says “Start Now.” It’s like flipping on the ignition for your advertising engine!

When you first sign up for Google Ads, they’ll try to steer you towards a “Smart Campaign.” These can be handy but offer less control over your ad spend. For small businesses, getting the most out of your budget is key, so we’ll focus on building a custom campaign targeting the right audience. Don’t worry; you won’t need a degree in marketing to follow these steps. We’ll guide you through setting up a campaign that gets results!

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Step 2 – Setting Campaign Goals

Deciding what you want to achieve with Google Ads is the second step. Think of it like setting a goal for your advertising efforts. Do you want to drive more website traffic, generate leads, or increase brand awareness? Once you know your goal, you can choose the most appropriate campaign type. 

You’ll see several options, but we’ll focus on Search Network campaigns for this guide. These are perfect for reaching customers who are actively searching for products or services like yours! By strategically placing your ads on search results pages, you can connect with potential customers when they want what you offer. This targeted approach allows you to maximize your return on investment and get the most out of your advertising budget.

Step 3 – Focus of Campaign 

Now that you’ve identified your advertising goal (like driving more website traffic), it’s time to configure your campaign. This is where you’ll establish the foundation for your ads.

Here’s what we’ll be focusing on:

Name of the Campaign

Here, create a clear and specific name that reminds you of the campaign’s goal. For example, if you’re targeting homeowners, you could use “Homeowner Power Washing Leads.”

What network should your ads displayed on? 

Now, decide where you want your ads to appear. By default, your ads will show on Google Search results pages. This is ideal because it targets people actively searching for power washing services. There’s also the option to display them on various partner websites. This might reach a broader audience, potentially at a lower cost, but reaching your ideal customer might be less precise.

Learn more: SERP – Why Your Website Needs To Rank Higher On The Search Engine

Step 4 – Scheduling Ad Campaign

Imagine you’re running a restaurant. You wouldn’t stay open 24/7, especially during slower hours. With Google Ads, you can do the same with your ad schedule, ensuring your ads appear when they’re most likely to be seen by potential customers.

For example, if you’re a power washing company, there’s less interest in your services at 3 am compared to daytime hours. By setting an ad schedule, you control when your ads are displayed, maximizing your return on investment.

Here’s how to configure your schedule:

  1. Click “Show More Settings” to reveal additional campaign options.
  2. Locate “Ad Schedule.” This section allows you to choose your campaign’s start and end dates, along with the specific times you want your ads to be visible.

Step 5 – Further Configurations

Let’s ensure your new Google Ads campaign reaches the exact customers you want to target. Think of it like casting a net to catch the perfect fish – you wouldn’t cast it in the middle of the ocean, right? You’d strategically position it in a spot teeming with the kind of fish you’re after.

With Google Ads, you have that same control! By setting your location and language targeting, you ensure your ads are seen by the most relevant audience, maximizing your impact and keeping your budget focused.

For example, if you’re a power washing pro, you wouldn’t want your ads displayed in a completely different state. By setting your location targeting, you can ensure your ads reach potential customers in the cities and neighborhoods you serve.

Here’s how to refine your targeting:

Location Targeting:  Look for the “Location” section. You get to choose the specific areas where your ads will appear. You can target entire cities and regions or even narrow it down to specific zip codes to ensure your ads reach potential customers nearby.

Language Targeting: If your targeted audience speaks English, there’s no point in showing your ads to Spanish-speaking people. The “Language” section lets you specify your ideal customer’s language.

There’s an option called “Presence” within the location settings. Checking this box ensures your ads are shown only to people physically located in your target areas, not just those who might be “interested in” those locations. This helps you reach potential customers who can benefit from your services immediately.

We’ll skip the “Audience segments” section for now. This is typically used for more advanced targeting strategies and is less crucial for search network campaigns. We’ll focus on the key stuff to get your power-washing ads seen by the right people in the right places!

Step 6 – Deciding The Budget

Alright, you’ve got your target audience lined up, but how much should you spend on your power-washing ads daily?

Finding the Perfect Budget Balance

  • First, consider how much you’d ideally like to spend on monthly advertising.
  • Use online tools and industry benchmarks to get an idea of the average cost-per-click (CPC) for keywords related to power washing services in your area. This will give you a sense of how much each click on your ad might cost.
  • Once you have a monthly estimate, divide that by the average number of days in a month (around 30.4). This gives you a starting point for your daily budget.


You’d like to spend around $500 a month on advertising. Dividing that by 30.4 gives you a daily budget of roughly $16.45.

Tips To Manage Your Budget

  • Understanding Daily Budgets: Google Ads allows you flexibility with your daily budget. While you might set a daily limit of $16.45, Google might spend a little more on some days to reach more potential customers. They’ll then even things out by spending a bit less on other days to stay within your monthly budget.
  • Budget Tweaks Are Normal: Don’t be afraid to adjust your budget as your campaign progresses. If something needs to perform better, there’s no reason to keep throwing money at it. On the other hand, if your ads generate leads and drive sales, you might consider increasing your budget to reach even more customers.
  • Monitor Your Spending: Use Google Ads’ built-in budget reports to track your daily and monthly spending. This allows you to see how your budget is performing and adjust as needed.

Remember, the key is to find the sweet spot that allows you to reach your target audience without breaking the bank. We’ll cover more on optimizing your budget and maximizing your return on investment in future steps.

Picked For You: A Beginner’s Guide to Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

Step 7 – Bidding Options

Now that you have your daily budget let’s talk about how Google spends that money on clicks for your power-washing ads. Think of it like deciding how much you will spend on ingredients at the grocery store.

There are two main bidding strategies to choose from:

  • Manual Bidding

This gives you complete control over your budget. You set the maximum amount you’re willing to pay for each click on your ad (also known as the maximum cost-per-click or CPC). For example, you may be willing to pay up to $3.00 every time someone clicks on your ad. This is the maximum; you might pay less depending on the competition. While this approach offers much control, be careful not to set your bids too low, as this could limit how often your ads are shown.

  • Automated Bidding

This option lets Google do the heavy lifting. You set your overall advertising goals (like maximizing clicks or conversions). Google automatically adjusts your bids throughout the day to reach those goals and get you the most out of your budget. This is a good option if you’re new to Google Ads or need more time to monitor your bids constantly.

Choosing the Right Strategy

Automated bidding can be a great option for most beginners, especially those new to Google Ads. It allows Google to use its expertise to optimize your bids and get the best results within your budget. As you gain experience and feel comfortable managing your bids, consider switching to manual bidding.

Additional Settings

You’ll also see other settings in this section, like ad rotation. This controls how often Google shows your different ad variations. By default, Google will prioritize showing your best-performing ads, which makes sense – you want to get the most out of the campaign! However, if you’re testing out different ad variations, you might show them all equally for a set period.

We’ll skip the ad extensions section for now and cover that in the future. For now, let’s focus on getting your bidding strategy set up so your power-washing ads start reaching potential customers!

Step 8 – Keyword Research

Building a successful Google Ads campaign is all about attracting the right customers. Keywords are key in helping your ads reach people actively searching for power-washing services.

Here’s a straightforward guide to get you started:

Ad Groups: Organize your keywords using “ad groups.” Think of these as folders. Create groups for specific services, like “house washing” or “patio cleaning.” This keeps things clean and allows you to write targeted ads for each group.

Finding the Perfect Keywords: Tools like Google Keyword Planner exist to help you discover the words and phrases people use to find power-washing services. Look for keywords with a decent search volume (how many people search for them each month) but a reasonable cost per click (CPC) – the amount you pay each time someone clicks your ad for that keyword.

Targeting with Intent: Focus on keywords that show buying intent. These phrases indicate someone is ready to hire a power washing company, like “power washing prices near me” or “residential power washing services.”

Going Beyond Keywords:  While keywords are crucial, they’re not the only targeting option. You can also target your ads by location, ensuring only people in your service area see them.

Matching the Search: Match types tell Google how closely your ad should match a search query. Here’s a breakdown of the three main types:

  • Broad Match: This is a wide-net approach. Your ad might show for searches loosely related to your keywords.
  • Phrase Match: This is a happy medium. Your ad will show for searches with your exact keyword phrase or close variations.
  • Exact Match: This is the most specific. Your ad will only show for searches that exactly match your keyword.

Avoiding Unwanted Searches:  Negative keywords act like filters. You can tell Google not to show your ad for specific terms, like “DIY power washing” or “used power washer.” This ensures your ad reaches people genuinely looking to hire a professional.

Related Article: Right Google Ads Keywords For Maximum Conversions

There’s no one-size-fits-all keyword strategy. Experiment with different options and use the Search Terms Report to see which searches trigger your ads. This helps you refine your keyword list and target the right audience.

Following these steps, you can create a targeted keyword strategy that attracts potential customers actively searching for power washing services in your area.

Step 9 – Setting Up Details

You’ve identified the keywords that will attract potential customers searching for power washing services. Now it’s time to create the ad – the message that will convince them to click and choose your company. 

Here’s what you need to know:

Responsive Search Ads (RSAs): These are the current standard format for Google Ads. They automatically adjust to fit the available ad space on different devices. Make every word count using concise and impactful headlines and descriptions highlighting your unique selling points.

Strong Calls to Action (CTAs): Don’t leave potential customers wondering what to do next. Include clear and strong CTAs like “Get a Free Quote Today” or “Schedule Your Power Washing Now” to increase clicks and conversions.

Stand Out From the Competition: Don’t blend in with generic ads. Use powerful language and emphasize what sets you apart. Do you offer fast service? Eco-friendly methods? Highlight these strengths in your headlines and descriptions to grab attention on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

Maintain Brand Identity: Your ads are an extension of your company’s image. Keep the tone consistent with your overall message. Avoid being overly promotional – focus on creating a professional and inviting message that reflects your brand values.

By following these steps, you can create compelling, power-washing ads that capture attention, generate leads, and make your business the clear choice on the SERP.

Step 10- Using Ad Extensions

You’ve crafted a compelling ad showcasing your power washing services. Now, let’s add some firepower with extensions! Additional details appear alongside your core ad, providing more information to potential customers and making your ad stand out on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

Think of extensions as a way to give users a more complete picture of your business. While they might not always lead to clicks directly, extensions can significantly boost your ad’s click-through rate (CTR) by increasing user trust and providing more reasons to choose you.

Here’s the best part: adding extensions is simple and risk-free. Google Ads guides you through the process; extensions won’t hurt your ad performance. They’re a fantastic way to make your ad more informative and competitive.

Here are some of the most valuable extensions for power washing companies:

  • Location Extensions: Display your service area. This is particularly helpful for local businesses, letting potential customers know you serve their area.
  • Call Extensions: Make it effortless for potential customers to connect with you directly through a click-to-call option within your ad.
  • Sitelink Extensions: Include links to specific pages on your website, like your “Services” or “Before & After” page. This allows users to explore your offerings and learn more about your work.

Remember, Google is constantly adding and improving extension options. Explore what’s available and experiment to see which extensions work best for your power washing business. By adding extensions, you can create a more informative and engaging ad that attracts more clicks and, ultimately, more customers.

Step 11 – Bid Adjustments & Device Targeting 

Your core ad and extensions are in place, but there’s more to explore! Google Ads offers additional settings to optimize your campaign for even better results.

Device Targeting:  People use different devices to search online. You can choose where your ad appears, whether on desktops, smartphones, tablets, or any combination.

For example, suppose your power washing services are primarily targeted towards homeowners. In that case, you might prioritize showing your ads on mobile devices, where people are more likely to search on the go. However, if you find that’s where you convert more leads, you can adjust bids (the maximum amount you’re willing to pay for a click) to prioritize placements on desktops.

Try different device targeting and bidding strategy combinations. Google Ads provides performance data by device, allowing you to see where your ads get the most clicks and conversions. This data can help refine your targeting and maximize your return on investment (ROI).

Avoid making assumptions about which devices your target audience uses without data. Start with broad targeting and then use performance data to decide where to focus your efforts.

By taking advantage of device targeting and exploring additional settings, you can ensure your power-washing ads reach the right people on the right devices, ultimately leading to more qualified leads and growing your business.

Step 12 – Attractive Landing Page

Congratulations! You’ve built a compelling ad campaign that attracts clicks from potential customers searching for power-washing services. But there’s one more crucial step: your landing page.

Read More: 10 Best Landing Page Designs

Think of it like this: your ad is the invitation, and the landing page is your house. If the house is clean and uninviting, people will stay for a while. A well-designed landing page, however, converts clicks into leads and, ultimately, grows your business.

Here’s why a landing page is essential:

  • Maximize Conversions: Keep potential customers the moment they click your ad. A well-optimized landing page focuses on converting clicks into paying customers.
  • Clear Calls to Action (CTAs): Don’t make them guess! Tell visitors exactly what you want them to do, whether requesting a quote, scheduling a service, or browsing specific packages. Make the CTA buttons prominent and easy to find.
  • Technical Performance: Ensure your landing page loads quickly on any device, is mobile-friendly, and is secure. A slow or clunky page experience can chase visitors away in seconds.
  • Clean Design: First impressions matter. Create a visually appealing landing page that reflects your brand image. Keep the design clean and avoid overwhelming visitors with too much information.

By focusing on these key elements, you can create a landing page that’s a conversion powerhouse for your power-washing business. It seamlessly converts clicks from your Google Ads campaign into valuable leads, ultimately helping you achieve your business goals.

Step 13- Set Your Campaign To Live

Great work! You’ve built a targeted Google Ads campaign with compelling ads and a conversion-ready landing page. Now it’s time to launch and see your campaign come to life!

Setting Your Campaign Live:

Make sure your preferred payment method is selected and has sufficient funds. This activates your campaign, and your ads will appear in searches.

Tracking Performance is Key

The real work begins after launch! Monitoring your campaign’s performance and adjusting as needed is crucial. Here are some resources to help you navigate:

  • PPC Reporting: Google Ads provides detailed reports that track your campaign’s clicks, impressions, conversions, and costs. Analyze this data to identify areas for improvement.
  • PPC Audits: Regularly audit your campaign performance to discover opportunities for optimization. This might involve adjusting bids, refining keywords, or improving your landing page.
  • Key PPC Metrics: Familiarize yourself with metrics like click-through rate (CTR), cost-per-click (CPC), and conversion rate. Understanding these metrics helps you measure your campaign’s success and identify areas for improvement.
  • Ad Disapprovals: Occasionally, Google might disapprove your ads if they violate their policies. Address any disapproval notices promptly to ensure your ads continue running.

Give your campaign time to breathe and collect data. Avoid making frequent changes – aim for adjustments every two to four weeks, especially for new campaigns. Remember, successful PPC requires ongoing monitoring and optimization.

Congratulations! You’ve launched your Google Ads campaign for your power-washing business. By closely monitoring performance and making data-driven decisions, you can attract new customers, grow your business, and become a leader in your local market.

Wrap Up!

Want to harness the power of Google Ads to attract new customers for your small business? It’s easier than you think! Following a clear strategy, you can create targeted ads, reach potential customers actively searching for your services, and ultimately grow your business. However, navigating the world of PPC (pay-per-click) advertising can be complex. Don’t go it alone! Let Ad Labz help you create a winning campaign that generates leads and keeps your schedule booked. Contact us for a free consultation today and watch your business grow!

Professional Google Ads Audit

If you're running Google Ads campaigns but not seeing the results you want, it might be time to get a fresh perspective. Our team of certified experts will conduct a thorough audit of your account to identify areas for improvement and provide recommendations on how to optimize your campaigns for better performance.